Belgian Economic Mission to Norway #BEmissionNOR
Departure in:
  • Brussels country flag
  • Oslo country flag

About BFTA

The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency (BFTA) operates at the service of the three Regional authorities for export promotion: Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT),, and the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX), as well as the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs.

The activities of the BFTA were stipulated by the Cooperation Agreement of May 24th 2002 between the Federal Government and the three Regions. The Agency organises two joint economic missions outside the EU every year at the request of its institutional partners. Furthermore, since 2015, the BFTA contributes on a biannual basis to the logistical organisation of Belgian State Visits abroad.

The Agency also runs an information platform and sends out international business opportunities, legal alerts and economic newsflashes to companies on behalf of the Regions through the mobile application Trade4U. Thanks to this tool, the BFTA also offers the possibility to companies to order tenders’ specifications without additional administrative fees. A centralised database listing up Belgian exporters is also kept up to date on a regular basis.

Finally, the BFTA provides information on foreign markets: from studies within the framework of economic missions to national and international statistics and legal advice or information on regulations regarding foreign trade.


Belgian Foreign Trade Agency

Rue Montoyer 3

1000 Brussels